Core Values old

We are called

Service in CCI and participation in CCI activities are first and foremost service rendered in response to God’s individual and personal calling on our lives. The most important reason for our service is obedience to God. (2 Peter 1:10)

We serve sacrificially

Because ours is a calling, we seek neither personal gain nor attention. The nature of this ministry may call us into harm’s way. When this happens we will seek inspired balance between human expertise and divine sovereignty, placing high priority on the safety of those we are called to serve. (Romans 12:1)

We are committed

As a part of the global Christian community we share in the sense of urgency experienced during crises. It is our goal to respond immediately when called. (Romans 12:10)

We maintain integrity

Whether it be honesty in our actions, authenticity in our relationships, purity in our motivations, faithfulness in our commitments and responsibilities or truth in our words, we will honor God and practice integrity in everything that we do. (Proverbs 11:3)

We seek excellence

Ours is a God of perfection. Although we can never achieve His standard of perfection, He deserves excellence in all that we do. We will strive to provide the highest quality service provided by professionals representing the highest standards of their individual disciplines. (Colossians 3:23)